Aretha, favorite recordings?

Aretha Franklin. Folks, my "best of" CD just doesn't sound as good on my "real" stereo as it did in the old boom box days.

Best recordings? Both in terms of Aretha kicking b*tt, and in terms of good sound (I'm not talking audiophile here, just want a less-than-muted voice. Vinyl or CD, either one.

What is the rumor of a gospel album? Has anyone heard it?

I'm expecting thoughts to lean towards older music, but I am willing to be suprised!


- Eric

Showing 1 response by ehart

Great responses, thanks guys and gals. Keep them coming if there are more out there.

I remember seeing the Blues Brothers movie back when it first came out in the seventies and Aretha played a waitress in a luncheonette. I had no idea who she was. She ripped into "Think", and when it was done (I admit I had never heard the song before!) I said "Oh lord, who was that!?". The credits enlightened me. Been listening ever since.

Thanks again...

- Eric