Recently I have seen a couple of postings complaining about poor quality polishing cloths that accompany various CD/DVD cleaning (enhancement) solutions. 
Here is a low cost product solution: - - - You can get a 10 pack of blue "LINT FREE" polishing cloths at "simplygood" for $11.25. I have been using these cloths for over 10 years to polish CD's and DVD's., using a couple of different cleaning solutions that have worked perfectly for me. Again, "no lint", and they stay in perfect condition forever (at least I have never worn one out) !! Depending upon the cleaning solution used, the cloths should never need washing, unless the solution used, contains chemicals that leave a residue in the cloth. Give them a try.

Showing 3 responses by oldhvymec

Good idea, but I do wash mine, I just use no soap.. I want ALL the stuff gone.. My micro fibers are 10 some 15 years old.  I have maybe 100 or so.. Just 2 5 gallon buckets, one to the other about 6-8 times. Lose the water, every other time.. No micro dust scratches, at ALL..

I use them on everything, my glasses too. Vinegar water is a good CD and glass cleaner.. PH of 5.0 is a good cleaner, removes oils much easier.. LOW $$$$$ ay.. Smell well deal with it...LOL


oregonpapa4,275 posts
Eyeglass cleaner = $3.00.

Hay oregonpapa, does it say what's in the solution or the PH?
Just wondering..


Thanks... I wanted to see how they were removing oils. 
Ph on detergents is 8-9.
Ph on deluded vinegar is 5.

Neutral it 7.

Either way will do it..

Ionized water has a charge?

Degaussing works great in the dry summer, wind is blowing like crazy..

Towels for use in a dryer, to remove static, work nice too..

All kinds of tricks..

