Are you in the over 30 K club??

I read in Stereophile that their average reader has invested around $33,000 in their home audio system. Wow, thats a load of money. In your observation does this seem accurate? My system consist of Krell, VPI, Dynavector, Audio Physic & Cardas and I put in together here on Audiogon for around $3,500 lightly used.
Are you in over $30,000 club? That's not list prices it's what you actually have paid.
Gulp, I shudder to think! For sure over that between my 3 systems, and as much as I want it to stop it I can't seem to. Main system is CAT Renaissance pre, Harbeth 40.1's, Rega TT, Sonic Frontiers SFS 40 power amp (which is truly a jewel). Bedroom is Naim XS, Harbeth compact 7's, some older Sony CD player. HT system is Parasound P7, OPPO BDP-83, Martin Logan "Feature" & Quad speakers.

How does one turn off the upgrade itch??

Not even close. I probably broke 10k spent over the last 10 years this week. Still, I think my system out-performs most of what I hear in showrooms for under 50k.