Are You Happy?

On another currently running post a number of people have commented that the majority of their digital music collection is unlistenable. One person said 90% falls into this category. I don't get it! Have these people purposely assembled systems to make their favorite albums sound bad? Do they sit and audition equipment while thinking to themselves "hey, this is great, I won't be able to listen any of my Rolling Stones, but wow does it sound good." Why would someone do this to themselves?

As audiophile we are all a little crazy, but these people, IMHO, have gone one step beyond. Please help me to understand what's going on?

Showing 1 response by bigjim

Extremely happy! Use a high sample rate CDP like an Audiomecca Mephisto and well recorded CDs like XRCD or DCC/MFSL and you are in Nirvana!