Are you an Audiophile or a Music Lover: Take 3

Following up on Muzikat's question in the Take 2 thread ... Can I upgrade one more before we start? (paraphrased)

You may upgrade or add ONE component before you start ... which will it be? As Karnak would say, You hold in your hand your LAST upgrade. Choose wisely, Grasshopper ;-)

I have it down to three:

the best integrated on the planet, or
new speakers, or
Sennheiser Orpheus system

This is going to take some thought ...

Showing 1 response by garfish

After serious thought, I'd upgrade my listening room-- eliminate a window, put in thicker wall insulation, thicker or double sheetrock, reinforce floor etc. etc. etc. As David99 once said we're all "neurotic, two channel, sweetspot loners" (hope I got that right as the observation was great)-- well I'd add "and in the dark". Cheers. Craig