Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


Showing 1 response by simonmoon

I am not a fan at all.

But then, I am not a fan of pretty much all forms of mainstream pop, rock, hip hop, country, etc.

Not that I hate it, but even the best crafted pop songs, with creative catchy melodies and hooks, good choruses, bridges, etc., has me saying to myself, "that was a well done pop song, but now what?

**WARNING**Music snobbery ahead!

I want much more from the music that I listen to.

The genres of music I listen to, take me on a journey emotionally, intellectually, alter my brain state, alter my perceptions. And no, no substances are required.

So, while I can hear a well crafted pop song and enjoy it, music is capable of so much more.

Sometimes I get asked, "but why can’t you enjoy both types of music, the fun pop songs, and the music that takes you on a journey?"

And my answer is, life is too short. There is just so much incredible music to explore, and more being created on a constant basis, that why should I listen to fun pop songs, when there is so much potential to listen to music that will be so much more?

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