Are we music lovers or gear lovers?

Hi everyone,
ever noticed how many posts giscussing about cables, CDPs, amp, etc compared to posts discussing about music?

From what know, people very easily talk or write about their passion. I don't see too many new discussions about new albums, music genre, concerts etc...

From what I often read, people are more interested to know what will be their next gear upgrade rather than what will be their next software purchase...

Aside from those very rich people (who can afford as many gear and software they want), wouldn't it be more logical for someone that has a limited budget to spend a large portion of the available income towards software rather than getting a pair of cables that costs 600% more than the already great ones they already own (and probably only delivers 10% better sound)?

Any comments?

Note: This is not a flame. I'm just wondering why so many post on cables, amps, speakers etc and so little posts on Music.

By the way, this question comes from my girlfriend but since I was not able to give her a satisfactory answer, I'm turning towards the Audiogoners for some answers...

Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by angela100

You are so right on. I fear that we can get lost in all of it and listen to the gear and NOT the music.
I learned that lesson and have really found the joy in listening this year - to the music and I am most pleased. It is like meditation to me and I just came out of a 6 hour trance this evening. I am listening to music that I never would have before. But I think that it is because I have my system in a place that I REALLY like and now only focus on music and not the next upgrade. Like anything, there's a balance to be found.
Thanks for the thread,and hey, your girlfriend is very observant :)