For me, my soon to be gone Scout (sniff, sniff) is very musical with my Vandys.
Are VPI tables considered musical and involving?
My apologies if this ground has already been covered here, but I could not find it with the Search feature.
I know VPI is well respected for build, value and sonics. But over the years I have come across comments that they are just a tad dry and somewhat clinical and hi-fi'ish in character, and possibly not the best choice for a listener that prefers an enchanting, seductive and emotional listening experience.
Is this a fair assessment of the VPI sound? Is it's presentation a bit cool, matter of fact, and mechanical?
For example, are VPI background silences blueish and cool rather than a warmish jet black? It is the difference between a quiet warehouse and an empty church at midnight (or the warm and expectant hush of a concert hall right before a performance starts).
If one prizes tone, fluidity, bloom, harmonic texture and a sonic beauty that is organic and "whole" sounding, will VPI provide it?
I do like detail (natural), space, staging and other hi-fi attributes, but ultimately I wanna be seduced when I listen. I want an emotional listening experience, one in which I feel connected to the music and the performers. So I guess a slightly warm, embellished and romantic sound is preferred.
Obviously, I listen with my heart and soul rather than my brain. Involvement and musicality are what I seek.
I am open to all suggestions. New MSRP in the $1000 to $3000 range for table and arm.
Thanks in advance for all input, comments and recs!
I know VPI is well respected for build, value and sonics. But over the years I have come across comments that they are just a tad dry and somewhat clinical and hi-fi'ish in character, and possibly not the best choice for a listener that prefers an enchanting, seductive and emotional listening experience.
Is this a fair assessment of the VPI sound? Is it's presentation a bit cool, matter of fact, and mechanical?
For example, are VPI background silences blueish and cool rather than a warmish jet black? It is the difference between a quiet warehouse and an empty church at midnight (or the warm and expectant hush of a concert hall right before a performance starts).
If one prizes tone, fluidity, bloom, harmonic texture and a sonic beauty that is organic and "whole" sounding, will VPI provide it?
I do like detail (natural), space, staging and other hi-fi attributes, but ultimately I wanna be seduced when I listen. I want an emotional listening experience, one in which I feel connected to the music and the performers. So I guess a slightly warm, embellished and romantic sound is preferred.
Obviously, I listen with my heart and soul rather than my brain. Involvement and musicality are what I seek.
I am open to all suggestions. New MSRP in the $1000 to $3000 range for table and arm.
Thanks in advance for all input, comments and recs!