Are two smaller subs better than one larger?

I have checked the threads, and many say that two subs are better than one. However, here is my question: are two smaller subs, say Martin Logan Depths, better than one larger sub, say Margin Logan Descent?

Thanks in advance, as usual,

Your brother in sonic bliss, or at least the continual search for it,

The rustler

Showing 1 response by roscoeiii

I will give this a "maybe" in response. Here is why one might be better than 2 (since the very valid reasons 2 might be better than 1 have been laid out above, in particular the emergence of stereo effects at 80Hz or so, and the potential of 2 subs to minimize room nodes):

1) The quality of the single sub is much better. I moved from dual NHT subs to a single REL Storm III, and this was definintely an improvement in my room. Related to the quality of the sub is the quality of the intergration a sub can achieve with mains. For the REL that came through their speaker level connections, but I could also imagine that single subs with DSP (digital signal processing) options could also work better than dual subs without DSP or with lower quality DSP.

2) You don't need a high crossover point. My NHT pair was originally purchsed when I needed an 80 Hz crossover point. My single REL was crossed over at 35 Hz.