Are two smaller subs better than one larger?

I have checked the threads, and many say that two subs are better than one. However, here is my question: are two smaller subs, say Martin Logan Depths, better than one larger sub, say Margin Logan Descent?

Thanks in advance, as usual,

Your brother in sonic bliss, or at least the continual search for it,

The rustler

Showing 1 response by martykl

Three notes/Three caveats:

Caveat #1: Your budget is sufficient to buy 2 very high quality "small" subs - call that +/- $1500.

Note #1: A single large sub will usually provide great maximum output for a given distortion level than will two smaller subs. This observation is based on pretty extensive review of subwoofer test data.

Note #2: You can (in the vast majority of cases) achieve smoother bass response with 2 carefully placed subs (large or small) than you can with a single sub (large or small).

Caveat #2: If you're using digital room correction (e.g. Audyssey) in an AVR or Pre-Pro, you can smooth FR with the EQ.

Note #3: If you cross high enough you will need to maintain stereo integrity so 2 subs will be required.

Caveat #3: IME, few people will cross to the subs at a high enough frequency (>100ish hz) to make this concern audible (to me). Others claim that the effect is audible at a lower frequency, so this is a YMMV kind of deal.


PS If you wish to go with 2 subs for purposes of maintaining stereo integrity, make sure that your x-over will allow this. To my knowledge, very few AVRs or Pre-Pros (even those with dual sub outputs) are set up this way.