Are they Worth Repair

Category: Analog

Hello all,
I have an old Sumo II moving coil and a Dynavector Ruby. One of my wonderful children did them both in within a year of each other years ago. Are these worth re-tipping? Quite frankly, I'm content with my AT 440MLA since my main listening has switched over to Computer Audio. If I sent these off and had new Canteliver/stylus replaced, could I even sell them for the repair price. Might be a no brainer, just haven't followed cartridge pricing. Thanks for your help, Tim

Showing 1 response by phduncanson

Re-tip my dude! I used to do computer…. but when the music is vinyl right, man - stress relief, mood lifter, …and if you got Nina Simone on vinyl, all the chains will melt away … plus if you change your mind …$250 carts sell in no less than 3 days here. and those are great vintage.