Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...

Are the new Kii Audio Three BXT Pro Speakers the best money can buy ?
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Showing 3 responses by roberttdid

Are these the best speakers ever? Unlikely, but this may be one of the better threads for showing bias and lack of knowledge in the audiophile community. I would guesstimate that most pontificating don't really even understand the technology behind the Kii. I suspect in a well treated room, especially one customized to the speakers, one could achieve better performance from other speakers, probably even many. I also suspect that for many audiophiles, the Kii, due to their lack of proper room treatments, and lack of customization of treatment, may be able to provide a superior listening experience to many high end speakers in they have heard and would put in their home assuming the drivers/electronics are capable of low distortion at intended listening levels.

Love the little digs, and I would not be throwing around terms like "Dunning Kruger" unless you have some serious technical chops in the topic of discussion. Probably best not to bring up live music and flat response either ... playback is much different from creation. Scale? ... do audiophiles not even understand how SPL is measured (when they bring in big speakers and low powered amps)?

Not assumptions there Roddie, extrapolations based on what people in this thread have written.
From a product placement standpoint @mahgister, these speakers are targeting those less likely to treat their room, and given that, they may end up superior to those much more expensive.
mahgister2,680 posts07-02-2020 12:27pm
I suspect in a well treated room, especially one customized to the speakers, one could achieve better performance from other speakers, probably even many.
My own experiment is there is no comparison between a speakers pair in a treated room and the same in a non well or non treated room....This is a fact....