Are these cartridges worth anything???? HELP

Doing serious audio housecleaning......found these 2 cartridges in their original boxes. have NO idea if they're worth anything. 1 Denon DL 303 and 1 DynavectorDV Karat.Thanks in advance, Mark

Showing 4 responses by marklivia

p.s. I remember they called it the "Dynavector Ruby" cause it has a ruby cantaliver. It did sound quite amazing as I recall.
Thanks guys. They both worked perfectly when i stashed them . The Ruby has very low hours. The other I bought used. Visually ,they still look fine. Any cost estimates?
It's a ruby. Says so right on the box. I bought it around 1983. Whats it worth guys!(assuming it functions ok, etc.)??? I want to sell and give someone a good , fair deal.
Sure. I would never have a problem selling anything w/ a satisfaction guarantee, esp. an unknown commodity like these.i just wish i knew what was fair.