Are there more tirekickers now vs. then?

In the past 6 months, I've experienced quite a few people who have nothing better to do than make an offer then back out?..There is this guy named Robin Wyatt who actually said that he had sent his money order and checked with me periodically if I had received it. I found out that he never sent anything. In the meantime, I've stopped posting ads for my equipment and have also turned down and lost 2 serious buyers!..This Robin Wyatt guy is mental...he played with my mind and even sounded worried that his payment could be lost in the mail..even said he would put a trace on it...When I asked him to fax a copy of his money order to me, he never replied...never...What a LOOSER!

Showing 2 responses by justlisten

Believe me, there are more Robin Wyatt's out there. I feel for you, I had a guy ask about some speaker cables I had for sale on Audioshoper, we went thru a volley of several emails. When the time came to confirm payment he vanished. I sent 2 courtesy emails to see if he wanted them or not ( I mentioned , no harm done if not) Over a week later he decides to say no he cant afford them due to his computer crashing. I post them here on Audiogon 2 days later, same guy emails me with the same initial barrage of questions.
(sorry) I should add to my above post..the guy offered to buy the cables off my Audioshoper ad at a negotiated price. Then vansihed for a week, then claimed to be out of cash, then resurfaced off an Audiogon ad 2 days later. (My apolgies to my unfocused writing, I use webtv and can only see 4 lines of what I write)