Are there headphones that image in front of you rather than in your head?

I have and excellent room and system but I need a small and "just me" system. I have owned several headphones but found I cannot stand them and having performers in my head. 

Has anyone found headphones that keep performers in front of you?

Showing 5 responses by tbg

Thanks, guys. I heard the Stax Pros long ago. I thought they were somewhat better, but still bothersome. I guess the brain would have to retrained to achieve what I want. Maybe those using earbuds daily teach their brain to move thing out front.

I would agree that the detail, timbre of instruments, high end, etc. are exemplary with the top Stax head phones, But you never experience realism and think you are at the recording session.

It strikes me that we should be able to duplicate in the brain the same thing as we get with speakers in our rooms. 
Guys, I greatly appreciate your thoughts and taking time to state them.
Much will depend on whether we sell our little New Mexico house where at best I have a 10 x 13 x 8 bedroom. I really cannot afford the same equipment in both of my rooms or have enough room to get all my cabling, racks, components, etc. from one listening room to another 765 miles away.
Much depends on how long I am in New Mexico. This time we were in NM for 6 weeks and I had no sound, but there were two political party conventions and the Olympics.
I agree, but also suspect that refections off the wall and ceiling or invaluable. I can conceive of signal changes to give the brain changes in the signal to give the impression of being there. This sounds like a complicated process and one that is not yet available.
David and Humand, thanks for your posts. I am going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Oct. They usually have a large showing of head phones. I expect that AKG will be there.

David, I was unaware of Darin Fong Audio! I'm going to correct this today. Thanks for the heads up.