Are there any Tool fans here?

I feel that Undertow is far superior sounding than any others, especially the new one. It was recorded at Sound City back in the day where some of the best albums were recorded. Its console was the Neve console that Dave Groul now owns. Vintage gear and Eqs on that console can not be reproduced.  

Showing 4 responses by zyphryx

This guy, Colin O'Donohoe, does a good deconstruction of Lateralus. Even if you do not like the band you have to give them kudos for this level of effort.
@auxinport I was wondering how Maynard's winery was going to do. That's a tough climate for a cab grape. I remember watching a video of him starting that up from scratch and hoping he could pull it off. Glad it is working out. The restaurant is supposed to be good too. Did you get try that?