Are there any Tool fans here?

I feel that Undertow is far superior sounding than any others, especially the new one. It was recorded at Sound City back in the day where some of the best albums were recorded. Its console was the Neve console that Dave Groul now owns. Vintage gear and Eqs on that console can not be reproduced.  

Showing 4 responses by auxinput

Hey guys, if you're not a Tool fan, there's no reason to digress this thread into some other kind of topic.

As far as the OP is concerned, I actually like the Mer De Noms album by A Perfect Circle (Maynard's other group), especially Magdelena.

Although, if you like Tool, you may get a kick out of this:

I'm sure oreganpapa is going to vomit over this one as well. lol.
My point about judging the demise of our civil society based upon ten-year increments in music? ... I rest my case. :-)

You know what?  Every generation says this same thing about the "young kids".  I don't really agree with this because the "best music" is always what the current generation has grown up with.
As a side digression, many people just don't like metal and think it's a bunch of losers.  However, if you really pay attention to the video below, you will see how complex and talented these musicians are.  The drummer (original drummer) is an absolute genius!

I have been following her for years and she actually does an amazing cover of Tool's Forty Six and 2 (back to our original conversation).  Some of the drum progressions in this song are complicated as well!:

As a history lesson, I did grow up hating Lawrence Welk (which my dad forced us all to watch, lol).  I became a total Kiss fan at 9 years old in 1978.  Loved many different types of music (rock, metal, rap, r&b, country, classical, jazz, etc.).  Currenty, my two "go to" genres are metal (duh) and traditional jazz (Diana Krall, Norah Jones, etc.).  I recently got 3 new hi-res albums from Anne Bisson (available on her website as USB drives).  They are absolutely amazing and have some of the best recording quality I have heard to date! (albums are Blue Mind, Portraits & Perfumes, Tales From The Treetops).

-- oh, oh.  I also had the opportunity to get a couple bottles of wine (cab blends) from Caduceus Cellars (Maynard's winery).  They are actually very nice.  If you're interested, also watch the movie "Blood Into Wine" (documentary on the vineyard).
@ zyphryx  - nope.  I live in California and had a friend traveling to Arizona.  I asked him to get me a couple bottles of the wine.  They don't do straight cabs anymore.  It's all blends of one sort or another.

On another note:

Ironically, some of the comments that look at Tool's surface and connect it with 'society's decline' or whatever - it could not be further from the truth. Just spend some time with the Lateralus album. Try to get past the density, the noise, whatever you're perceiving that makes it intimidating to you. The whole album, literally, (laterally?) is about human progress- on a personal level, as well as as our species as a whole.

There's a big misconception here from non-fans that there is a big decline based on music.  A lot of people don't know or don't realize that there is an extreme amount of complexity in rock/metal.  Many of the metal artists over the years write about complex issue as well as social issues, depression, politics, war, etc.  Here's a zinger.  Back in 1991 I was a big fan of this group, but as I went through the lyrics I made a startling discovery that this was a tragic love song!

I thought it was very interesting at the time.