Are there any preamps that can work with 2 amps and a sub woofer?

I have a Krell sub woofer and 2 Llano trinity amps powering my speakers.  I'd like to know the best way to have 1 volume control over the whole system.  Currently I have to control the sub separately (manually).
Does any preamp allow 3 outputs?   Is there a better way?  Should a go with a good preamp and just split the output?
Thanks for any ideas.

Showing 3 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

Is your sub self-powered? If not, I would advise selling it and getting a self-powered sub with built-in equalizer.

Sub receives l and r from pre-amp, takes the low bass, sends only upper bass, mids, highs out to amp. Importantly it's volume is controlled by the preamp.

Adjust Sub's crossover point; adjust Sub's volume control to match your main's at your most frequent listening level. Now any volume change at preamp goes to sub and amp(s) cohesively.