Are there any albums you consider perfect?

My daughter gave me an ipod for my birthday and I have been loading music to it slowly. As a perxon who listens to albums start to finish I have been loading albums I consider high quality beginning to end.
Makes me wonder how many perfect albums there are out there. Steely Dan's "Pretzel Logic" is to me perfect. What I mean by perfect is not one sound needs to be added or subtracted to make it better. Funny thing is, "Pretzel Logic" is not my favorite Steely Dan album, but its sound is perfect. I can only come up with a few.
Pink Floyd, "Wish You Were Here"
Tears For Fears, "Songs From The Big Chair"


Showing 2 responses by martykl

Good question.

The answer is "probably not" (at least for pop/rock).
A couple of Beatles records (add Revolver to the list) come close, but I can't think of any other band that matches their track to track consistency. I guess that there's always a track or two that I tend to skip. Graham Parker's "Squeezing Out Sparks" and "Who's Next" might deserve some consideration.

If we're allowed to cheat, a couple of "Live" albums come to mind, but that's like picking a Greatest Hits compilation.

For Jazz, Duke Ellington's "Far East Suite" and "Intimacy of The Blues" get awfully close, as do a few others (Body&Soul, Nancy Wilson w/ Cannonball Adderly, Kind of Blue).


Your point is taken , but I would argue that you didn't have quite as much a part as Todd did because that record IS nearly perfect (as in the absolute truth dictated by the supreme being). However, IMHO, "Nearly Human" comes even closer to that ideal.

Yes, I drink the cool aid and am a charter member of the Todd is God club. (A fair number of reasonably prominent musicians are members, as well). The lack of recognition in the "mainstream" music press for Rundgren's best work says (again IMO) more about the critics than the music. In my book, you never need apologize for choosing Todd above all others.
