Are the online zines killing print mags in audio?

There seem to be more and more onliners and the printers are down to what, two? Stereophile and the Absolute Sound. (Not counting Bound for Sound which you can't get on the newstands). On line ('Gon) certainly killed classified ads in the print mags. I wonder if the mags themselves are doomed. What do you think?

Showing 1 response by david12

There has been much huffing and puffing in the UK on this subject of valid sources of information for buyers. Most of the hot air comes from Roy Gregory at HiFi+, who seems to disparage any other source of info other than, well HiFi+. He has had a go at online Forums such as this. His grounds have some validity, that individuals and groups can manipulate the forum for their own ends and against particular manufacturers or retailers. nevertheless, I take advice from this site. Audiogon members have payed their hard earned money for kit and lived with the results for years. I have always valued the advice I have received.
Secondly, the question of advertising, a perennial problem. I like 6moons too, but they do seem very dependent on advertising, but as Macrojak says, they open up small manufacturers to a wider audience, they would'nt otherwise get. In the UK, as you may know, a very expensive subscription only magazine, HiFi Critic, has printed 4 issues. It's expensive, about $100 for 6 issues and has no adverts, which is why its expensive of course. Purely coincidence, but we get another fulminating editorial from Gregory, insisting mags are'nt corrupted by adverts.
My own favourite is Bound for Sound, Marty seems to have a down to earth, value orientated outlook. Despite myself, I have a soft spot for HiFi+, it has good music reviews and looks at some really unusual kit. I don't think any magazine can maintain a consistent high quality, high integrity approach over the years. That is more of a threat that online Zines. I find Stereophile a pretty turgid read at the moment, with kit I am not interested in.