Are the Klipschorns mainly for Classical music ??

I recently purchased a pair of Klipschorns. I also purchased a pair of Cornwalls. It seems that the Cornwalls are crisp and clean and a shade boxy while the Klipschorns are a very open sound. I have found the Klipschorns to be very good for classical music and some Satriani and Eric Johnson. I find that classic rock leaves alot to be desired because the recordings seem to be less than what I expected. I would like to hear comments from Klipschorn owners as well as Cornwall owners......thanks

Showing 8 responses by warrenh

I understand. I was under the misinterpretation (maybe it was another post) that the newest K-horns, still required some serious tweaking. My mistake. warren :)
Boa2, after all those modifications to get a Klipschhorn to sound good, doesn't that say something about Klipschorn? Doesn't sound like you have a Klipshorn anymore. Kind of like an APL Denon 3910 don't you think? There's very little remotely left of the original 3910 sound. I'm sure you love your speakers, but spending (I don't know what they cost new) all that money for mediocre speakers, just to add a bunch of mods to make it sound good?
I give you that at $2200. A few mods and you got them to sound right. Are they worth $7k new, and you would still have to add the mods? Only one $58k speaker that would replace your big Ks?
Boa2, that was unfair. There is no mod in this world that could get me to purchase or enjoy your Klipschorn. I cannot figure out your Klipschorn obsession for a minute. But Macrojack may have hit it on the head. You are a musician, right? That may be it. Bait you? Come on, speaking of staying on topic...still holding a resentment?
Boa2, are you running for office? Circumlocution: you're a your babies...but remember who brought up the Z word..
So you're saying the newest Klipschorns are fine the way they are? No need to tweak, play switheroo with caps? $7k+ brings it home right out of the box? Out of MY box the only tweaks my speakers needed were Audiopoints on the bottom to replace the originals. $200 well spent...
After you do all these upgrades (in this case we're talking K-horn, but others as well. I'm not trying to single out these speakers) are you really left with a K-horn? Do "transformational upgrades" still equal K-horn..etc...Sort of like APL3910/Exemplar3910/Denon 3910/Dan Wright3910. The list goes on.. In this case, as in many, it appears that stock K-horns don't cut it. They require a plethora of upgrades to arrive at greatness.