Are the Klipschorns mainly for Classical music ??

I recently purchased a pair of Klipschorns. I also purchased a pair of Cornwalls. It seems that the Cornwalls are crisp and clean and a shade boxy while the Klipschorns are a very open sound. I have found the Klipschorns to be very good for classical music and some Satriani and Eric Johnson. I find that classic rock leaves alot to be desired because the recordings seem to be less than what I expected. I would like to hear comments from Klipschorn owners as well as Cornwall owners......thanks

Showing 2 responses by macrojack

I'm on topic if Klipsch is the topic. Hypocritical? How? Bait. Nah -- if you think that, don't respond.
And speaking of topics, who mentioned ZU?
That porcelain vessel you are gleefully cavorting about is not a punch bowl -- it's a potty. Porziob was on target with his turd.
The Klipschorn sprung to life as a mono speaker back around the time of my birth. The Klipsch factory is proud to claim that it continues to this day free of any substantial modification. In its day it was unexceptional relative to the offerings of JBL, Altec and Electrovoice.Today it is revered by a small coterie of cultists who have every reason to love it for its blaring and exaggerated presentation. I sold these speakers for a couple of years in the late 80s and even owned a vintage pair myself for a short time. They tend to be popular amongst former musicians. Those of you who are fond of them should really investigate the Peavey speakers.