Are sound bars worth it?

My cable provider [Videotron in Quebec City] does not offer a cable base/box with analogue outputs. So, I am at a loss how to get the audio signal from my TV to my preamp, for real sound while watching TV.

My question is whether any sound bars are worth the expense and effort in providing better audio than the TV itself [a SONY.... but they are all terrible].

Any opinions?
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Showing 1 response by maxwave

I live near Montreal and I am a client of Videotron.
I have an old Illico module , with audio RCA outputs   , in the rear pannel.
I saw the same with newer Illico modules.
I do not know about the new Hellix modules.

so I am a bit supprised about the lack of these RCA outputs  on your Illico unit.

Your television may have a digital output that you may connect to you preamplifier for a less ´´ boomy ´´ sound than analog.
I just speculate about boomy and analog interconnect.