Are some cord companies "potting" the Oyaide ends?

Has anyone found that an OEM or other power cord supplier is "permanantly" affixing the Oyaide connecters they use by filling the inside of the connecter with silicone or something similar? I've tried removing the 079 ends from a cord from a certain East European cord company and also 004 ends from a cord built by a US DIY supplier. I couldn't get them apart. I was hoping to do some mix and match to make some small changes to the sound of the system.
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Thank you all for your enlightenment on the subject. Any suggestions on how I might best try to open up and bring forward the top end of a system currently outfitted fully w/ Lessloss cords. I find the Lessloss performance level to be very high and appealing but, with very laid back upper mids on up to the top. I have a couple of differently terminated Cryomax III cords on hand that I tried on the transport. The Cyomax wire just can't compete. I'm thinking about an Acrolink DIY w/ either Oyaide 004 or 046 ends, based on the meager amount of feedback out there on Acrolink. Other ideas? (let's not go down the silver road, please).