Are Revel Salons too much?

I recently acquired a pair of Salons, (along with a Voice and Embraces) for a "non-dedicated" listening/family room. The comments of some now have me concerned that the Salons are too much speaker for the room (15x30 turning into a Kitchen at the rear in a "L" shaped room.) The other comment is that, as they will be used in a non-dedicated room, I can not achieve a good set up due to limited placement possibilities. The Salons will be a few feet in from of a wall unit behind them, but not several feet.

Power is not the issue as I have the power to drive them, in the form of 2 ML 436 amps. I also have 2 B-15's which really smoothed out the bass with my prior Anthem/Mirage HDT set up.

Am I being overly concerned or would I be better off with F-50's or something like that?

Showing 1 response by ejlif

I don't know a lot about the Salons, but if they are like most speakers they aren't going to like being just off the wall. If you can't set your speakers up the way they need be you are certainly paying a lot for something that you will not realise what it is capable of. If I were in a position of having to place speakers close to the wall then I would look at speakers that perform well close to the wall. Speaker placement is one of the most important factors if a system is to sound great.

I was in the same position of having to find a system that could live in the family room and still sound great. My search ended with the Innersound Eros, and Innersound electronics. The speakers work well close to the wall and being that they have an active crossover with bass and midrange control, you can really dial them in. The electronics run cool and work well with the speakers.