Are Revel Salons too much?

I recently acquired a pair of Salons, (along with a Voice and Embraces) for a "non-dedicated" listening/family room. The comments of some now have me concerned that the Salons are too much speaker for the room (15x30 turning into a Kitchen at the rear in a "L" shaped room.) The other comment is that, as they will be used in a non-dedicated room, I can not achieve a good set up due to limited placement possibilities. The Salons will be a few feet in from of a wall unit behind them, but not several feet.

Power is not the issue as I have the power to drive them, in the form of 2 ML 436 amps. I also have 2 B-15's which really smoothed out the bass with my prior Anthem/Mirage HDT set up.

Am I being overly concerned or would I be better off with F-50's or something like that?

Showing 1 response by chm3986

This is all very helpful. Thx to all.

I can probably get 3 to 4 feet behind the speakers. The wall unit is oak, open faced where not filed with a projection TV or equipment--no glass.

What I am really hearing from you all is that, at least between F50's and Salons, I might as well stay with the Salons and work with them. I also appreciate the thoughts re: other speakers and I will ck those out.

I don't really have a base line yet, because the Salons are currently sealed in the box from Revel and I did not want to depreciate them further by installing them if the concensus from you all was to get rid of them. Also, my processor is an MC12B v.3. So I was hoping that the room EQ, when available, may help with any problems as well.

My current set up from which I am upgrading is Anthem AVM 20/MCA 50 and Mirage HDT speakers--which sound pretty good for what they are--and they are IN the wall unit. I know: mortal sin. Source is primarily a Marantz DV 8300 and Zenith HD 520.

Thx again.