Are records harmed from no air conditioning?

I have a house with no air conditioning. The temps sometimes reach low 90's. Will my records be harmed by these temperatures? I am keeping them out of the sunlight. Is there a known temp that vinyl can handle without warping or damage? Is there a storage method that is advised for warmer climates w/o air conditioning? Or am I worrying about nothing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by rives

Depends on the humidity. 90 degrees should not harm the records as long as it is not humid. If you live in Florida--well it's much hotter there so I'm sure that's not the case, but 90 dgrees with high humidity could create 2 problems. One is warping, which can also be avoided by properly stacking your albums vertically, snug--but not tight. The other problem with exposure to humidity for a long time is that records can get moldy--something to avoid. Hope you live in a dry climate--in which case you are probably alright.