Are Quicksilver power tube amps in the same league as VAC, VTL, BAT, ARC, ...?

I see that VAC, VTL, BAT, ACR power tube amps are almost twice or more expensive than Quicksilver power tube amps at the same power ratings.
Are Quicksilver power amps as good as twice or more expensive brands?
I am considering power tube amps with 80, 100, or 120Watts power ratings and I just wonder.
I don't have much budget (under 5K) and my choice is either new QS or those other brands used.
If not QS, which brands are best bang for the buck for power tube amps?
I need to drive 87dB speaker, so the power has to be at least 80Watts.
Thanks for your input.

Showing 2 responses by jordi

Quicksilver best stuff out there and the paranoia of mikes stuff being to cheap compared to other brands has to do with NO ADVERTISING DOUBLE THE PRICE IF YOU ADVERTISE PERIOD…WHEN WE WROTE THE BOOK PAUL WILBUR KLIPSCH THE LIFE THE LEGEND THE ONLY BIOGRAPHY OF PWK WE ADVERTISED IN STEREOPHILE A FEW MONTHS 5000.00 for a single page for one month you pay for that….so double his amp prices and then you get it….ive been dealing with MS and QS for 37 yrs since my 1st pair and his 6c33c triodes cost around 6 K AND I OWN 4 pair because I call them the worlds most perfect monoblocks and I did a side by side again LAMM 50 K MONOBLOCKS AND THE QS WAS THE KING 

RALPH ATMA-sphere and Mike quicksilver are all I own because they are the best in my humble opinion and RALPH AND MIKE ARE truly awesome and patient because I am stupid but I have good ears and both take the time out of their day to help me and teach me… goodness the ATMA AND QS I ALTERNATE on my Merlin VSM and bobby is smiling