Are PCC189/7ES8 tubes useable in place of 6DJ8?

I've seen old stock tube dealers on Ebay claiming that the PCC189/7ES8 can be substituted for 6DJ8s as a drop-in replacement. I've also read that this shouldn't be done.
Does anyone here know, for sure? Any experience? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by almarg

As you've found, there is lots of conflicting advice out there. Here is one of the more negative opinions:

I note in my tube manual that the 6DJ8 is listed as having a nominal u (amplification factor) of 33, while the 7ES8 is listed here as having a nominal u of 65. Perhaps operating the 7ES8 with only 6.3 volts on its filament, as opposed to the specified 7.6 volts, would bring those figures closer together. But I would not expect anything better than a rough approximation, which at best would be good enough sonically only in some circuit applications.

-- Al