Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?

I have about 15k to spend on an amp/preamp/integrated amp.

I mostly listen to smooth jazz like Dave Koz, Rippingtons, Brian Culbertson etc.... and loud.

I have yet to hear any amp that comes close to Pass Labs.

Your experiences pls ?

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OP: your original question is silly at best i’m sorry to say. simply too many great choices to nominate one as best. have you heard Dartzeel, JRDG, Luxman, Vitus, Agostino, ML, Krell and on and on. That’s the fun of it; so many great options. When you throw “used” in the mix the door opens very wide. 
i’m curious on pass resale. the last time i purchased a pass amp securing a pretty deep discount was not difficult( 25-30 %off). has that changed? if big discounting is occurring resale usually takes a hit. the unit was a 250.8 as i recall. no motive here. just curious. it ‘seems’ that pass is widely used by agoners as well as ps audio. is discounting a factor in these two brands having so many users? i’m guessing the sound quality is pretty good too.