are my amps clipping?

Hello I have a question for amplifier guru's

I have a set of vintage Polk RTA-12s that I did have hooked up to my Mitsubishi DA-A10DC amp and had no problem unless I increased the Equalization too high and then it would blow the fuse in the speakers .

after I hooked the speakers up to my new to me Yamaha RX-Z9 receiver it never happened again until today when I hooked up my Harman Kardon Citation 19 to the receivers pre-outs and it was doing fine till I was listening to Megadeath's À Tout le Monde and then switched from stereo to dsp mode concert hall live ,then they popped like a tick.

I really like the way the citation 19 sounds with music but because of this happening I have to buy 3/4 amp fuses in bulk lol

so is this happening because the amps are clipping ? if I do not throw extra EQ in then I can drive these speakers much louder without blowing a fuse but am unsure if it is an amp or speaker issue.

I guess I could install a resettable circuit breaker that would at least save me from buying fuses .


Showing 1 response by dhl93449

Are those fuses protecting only the tweeters? 3/4 amp is a very low fuse rating, its less than 5 watts into 8 ohms.

What range of the audio spectrum are you boosting with the EQ?