I heard the best way is to use two stereo amps (with same power rating) and connecting them in vertical bi-amp. This method was suggested to me by using two Sonic Frontier power 2 instead of a pair of power 3. May be someone can give more informations on this subject.
Are Monoblock s worth it?
Would like your collective Wisdom on the subject of Monoblocks. I have a single Odyssey Stratos and the cost to convert to Mono's are not that much additional. However, I do not play my existing system at very high levels and almost never turn the volume beyond half-way (normally around 11:00). Is this an advisable upgrade? I know that I theoretically should have more dynamic headroom, but I do not know how this translates into real world listening.
Maggie SMGa (soon to be Newform R645's in next week or so)
Morrison Elad pre-amp
Cambridge Audio CD500-SE
Musical taste - 50% Classical Symphonic, 30% Classical instrumental and 20% rock/pop
Maggie SMGa (soon to be Newform R645's in next week or so)
Morrison Elad pre-amp
Cambridge Audio CD500-SE
Musical taste - 50% Classical Symphonic, 30% Classical instrumental and 20% rock/pop