Any experiences regarding monoblocks on sub woofers (Kinergetics SW800 towers)? My main amp is dual mono (tubes), the only shared component is the negative feedback control. The manufacturer has actually sawed these puppies in half to prove that they perform the same whether in one chasis or two. I agree with all of the superlatives thrown at mono amps -- just wonderin whether they make as much of a difference on subs. Thanks.
Are Monoblock s worth it?
Would like your collective Wisdom on the subject of Monoblocks. I have a single Odyssey Stratos and the cost to convert to Mono's are not that much additional. However, I do not play my existing system at very high levels and almost never turn the volume beyond half-way (normally around 11:00). Is this an advisable upgrade? I know that I theoretically should have more dynamic headroom, but I do not know how this translates into real world listening.
Maggie SMGa (soon to be Newform R645's in next week or so)
Morrison Elad pre-amp
Cambridge Audio CD500-SE
Musical taste - 50% Classical Symphonic, 30% Classical instrumental and 20% rock/pop
Maggie SMGa (soon to be Newform R645's in next week or so)
Morrison Elad pre-amp
Cambridge Audio CD500-SE
Musical taste - 50% Classical Symphonic, 30% Classical instrumental and 20% rock/pop