I would make sure that the speakers are optimally set up and your listening space acoustically treated as well. If after ensuring that is done, and if your still interested in pursuing this change, I would reach out to humblehomemadehifi.com, Tony G, in the Netherlands, he specializes in crossover upgrade kits, custom speakers and wouldn't steer you wrong. Full disclosure, a number of us on the What's Best forum have upgraded the crossovers, internal wiring and binding posts for the Goldenear Triton Reference speaker, an already acclaimedt speaker using his components with excellent results. Best wishes on your journey. FYI, I installed the crossovers, but had an expert do the soldering, very happy with the results.
Are internal component upgrades worth it.
Hey guys,
I have 5 year old Cornwall IVs that I have paired with a Luxman L-507z integrated amp. (do not smack me) Ive watched a few upgrade videos like Boston audiophile and of course Danny Richie and they claim that upgrading the crossovers, using tube connectors, upgrading the internal wiring and using norez in the cabinet will take these speakers to another level. Now I like these speakers but I dont know if im handy enough to do the DIY upgrade. Shipping 100 pound speakers is not an option. So are these upgrades really a thing? Ive only ever had these speakers in my system so i dont know what im missing if I am.
Thanks for your consideration