Now, integrateds don’t check all the audiophile boxes unrelated to sound: its “cooler” for some reason to some who frequent here to introduce more complexity (both visually and physically) to satisfy some other urge than listening to music. We have all seen photos of these shrines where special ebony footers from one side of a particular river sound more “immediate” than the same wood sourced from the other side. More boxes and cables (and thus more variables) may bring joy to many. Its all good if thats what floats a persons boat but to summarily dismiss the concept of an integrated as being inherently inferior to separates is too general and as in all things in life, the correct answer is “it depends”.
Are integrated amps technically better than separates?
I'm assuming we are talking same class of amplifier and the integrated has the features you want. I'm thinking the integrated could actually be an improvement over separates due to being a more "direct" connection. Taking away the flexibility factor of separates, is my line of thinking correct?