Are integrated amps technically better than separates?

I'm assuming we are talking same class of amplifier and the integrated has the features you want. I'm thinking the integrated could actually be an improvement over separates due to being a more "direct" connection. Taking away the flexibility factor of separates, is my line of thinking correct?

Showing 2 responses by alexberger

On one hand,
in integrated you can make signal path shorter. Especially in low power SET amplifier. You can build 2A3 or 45 amplifier using only 2 stages or 300B with only 3 stages.
In separates you need more stages and more interconnect cables. Each amplification stage, capacitor and cable add distortions and noise. 

On the other hand,
in separated components you can use monoblocks with very short speakers cables, separate power supply transformers and chokes for each channel improves channel separation. A separated power supply for preamp and phono stage make noise level much lower. 
Hi @atmasphere ,

Each amplification stage, capacitor and cable add distortions and noise.
All those gain stages are in an integrated amp too. Usually though you have a greater chance of lower noise with separates since crosstalk and intermodulations from the other channel won’t exist.
But pream has to have output stage that drives interconnect and relatively low impedance (compared to tube input inside amp) of power amplifier input. The interstage driver in integrated amplifier is much easy to design and doesn’t have to have a feedback and output transformer or big value capacitor or sophisticated DC cancelling circuit.