Are higher end preamps worth the investment when you are only streaming Tidal & Spotify ?

Amp: Modwright 150SE

Speakers: Aerial Acoustics 7T

Streamer/DAC/ : NAD C658

With the goal of achieving higher fidelity, would a 10k -12k MSRP preamplifier be overkill when you only stream from Tidal or Spotify? Do higher end preamplifier applications mostly apply to vinyl and /or high end transports vs subscription streaming?





Showing 5 responses by puffbojie

@lalitk yep, Dan’s equipment is awesome and a great value but am in the used market unfortunately. I am keeping an eye out for his stuff. @ vonhelmholtz yeah that NAD C658 DAC Streamer is really a weak link but the DIRAC feature really helps with my room. I might have to get a stand-alone room correction device in order to update the streamer and Dac as the NAD does not allow you to disengage the DAC from what I understand.


The Dirac gives you the option to take a picture of FR graph which I always do but have no idea where it goes. Once I complete the project I delete it so not sure if I have those graphs saved somewhere on my Mac ? Anyway I will retest and just get a screenshot to provide.  Would love anyone’s insight on what that graph represents once I get it posted.  I’ll get a pic of my room too.  


Thanks that’s cool that you had the KWA150 in monos.  The Modwright pre 36.5 pre is definitely a pre I am looking at. I am also looking at Audio Research preamplifiers such as the LS 28 and ref 5 & ref 5 SE in the used market. Does anyone have any opinions on those. Also you mentioned having a good conditioner with the high current 159 SE . What is the least expensive one I could get used before the law of diminishing returns starts kicking in? I am using a $125 furman conditioner for whatever that’s worth.  


I know the info of my room is limited etc, but at first glance why do think harmonics would be a better fit vs resolution as it relates to the ARC LS28 and the ref 5 /s per my current set up?

Sounds like a decent Dac/Streamer combo to replace the NAD may be a good idea.  Anything in the used market for under 4 k that might be a good upgrade to look for?