Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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Rather than accept the onslaught of valid and well reasoned criticism brought before you, you hunker down even more.
Oh you mean like -
I don't like you because I think you're a liar.
There is some debate as to whether you're smart enough to realize you're full of crap.
I'm pretty sure everybody here has concluded you're a fraud
We all see you have no clothes.
It sounds like you have quite a crowd there - who are you "debating" with? The voices in your head?

You brag you work in values of picovolts, but you can't prove it.
I have to admit you might have me on that one.

You arrogantly presume you've stumbled onto some new branch of physics or something and have the audacity to invent the language
The results I have gotten are from my endless hours of dedication to a single concept. I did not "stumble" into anything. The final circuit I ended up with was my target from the beginning - not an accident.

I have figured out the correct configuration of the right components to produce live music. I was able to do this simply because I knew it was possible.

This body of work includes what I have learned about how the ear-brain perceives something as "live" That understanding has helped shape the concept and implementation of an automatic focus system.

And now all that work has paid off.
The future got here sooner that you thought. 
Sorry but just like Hillary - you going to have to get over it. 

You present the concept like it's some epic breakthrough to a world that's never experienced such a thing
I know that is hard to swallow but yes that pretty much sums it up.
On several occasions there have been people who after listening to such a system have had tears of joy. Only live music can touch that nerve.
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kosst - its really been great chatting with you but I need to get back to work. We are not getting anywhere with this argument and I'm certainly not going to change my position since I'm the one with the goods.

The difference is that I have the "before and after" - you only have the "before" and have not heard the "after" and so you cannot comment on it with any authority.

I really do wish you the best.