Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?


Showing 1 response by tbg

I have three of Roger Paul's new products. I have always been of the opinion that EE  is an occupation not a science. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, I dropped my EE major and went into physics. Once at a RMAF presentation with two amps, the presenter showed that one amp had good THD in many circumstances and dismissed the other amp. I asked if we were going to hear the two amps, knowing full well that there were no speakers in the room. I was told no. I responded that perhaps the designer of the other amp thought THD was of little import. I left the room.

Roger Paul has dismissed THD and has gained realism. I have demonstrated my system to at least twelve audiophiles, including several manufacturers. Everyone hears the realism.

What they hear is not just the H-Cat equipment, but it is a vital part.

Probably if you are a EE, you will not like it and will persisted in 'knowing' that it cannot work, but if you are a scientist, you will hear the improvements.