Are Focal Aria 926 considered to be a Hi-Fi speaker?

Curious where these fall on the ladder of Hi-Fi? 
Well I mean they’re sort of a lower series for Focal but that’s ok. In contrast to the other poster I thought they sound much better than Bowers &Wikins at the price point.
Everyone has different tastes but I found Focal Aria to be strong under 5k. I’d personally choose Spendor but that’s just personal preference

if they sound good to you that’s all that matters
"hifi" is, of course, in the ears of the beholder--to me it means a speaker which is coherent reproduces timbre naturally and is free from colorations. form that perspective, imo the aria qualifies as hi-fi notwithstanding that it's on a middle tier pricewise. as a related aside, i've found many of focal's and b&w's lower priced models better-sounding than some of the megabuck pieces.
I've owned a pair of 926 speakers for about five years.  All sorts of music played, from Reich, Bach, Stravinsky, Keith Jarrett, AC/DC, Crue, Wutang, about anything except gospel, country, or big band.  At the pricepoint, they are among the most well rounded.  I owned Gallo Reference 3.1 speakers before the Arias, then BW 804s before that, then inherited Empire Royal Grenadier 9000s before that.  I've auditioned  Magnepans, Tritons, and PSB speakers in the same price range, and have not been inclined to change.
Now, here's the gripe on the 926 speakers.  The bass is really bloomy and it colors the lower midrange.  You think the bass is prodigious, but it's not as clean as it could be, and the lower midrange gets muddy at higher listening levels.  I know this due to hooking up a Gallo TR3 subwoofer with a filter that limits frequency going to speakers.  Very audible difference, and my wife, who knows nothing about speakers was able to clearly identify the difference w/o any pre coaching or explanation why I'm asking her to listen to something twice.  At 80 Hz and up the Focals are superb.  The Gallo handles everything below and the crossover frequency is tunable.
That said, I'm strongly considering selling the Focals and buying a pair of Cornwall IVs, or Tekton double impact speakers.  I think that will be the end of the line for me.  
I auditioned them a couple of years ago, along with probably a dozen other contenders. They were in fact my front-runners going into the search, given the reviews. But when I heard them I thought they were just ok - a little too bright for my tastes, and not as musical as others I’ve heard. But it’s all what you like.

I ended up buying Egglestonworks Emma speakers which blew away everything else in that price range.