Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?

I had asked several dealers what their recommendations were for speakers for a specific product line of electronics that each of them carries. I realize that they all do not carry the same speaker product lines so what I got was a recommendation on what they do carry. Not surprised I guess. Only one or two asked any specific questions about my listening/musical tastes. Just a quick note back to me with their recommendation in the price ranges I asked for.

Did not seem like much of an effort to me.

I find that the best dealers are those that run a smaller operation. They tend to carry fewer products but know EVERYTHING about them. They also take the additional time to make sure you are getting what you want. The trade off is that they charge closer to manufacturer's suggested retail price because they don't sell high numbers of products that have huge mark ups. You also feel guilty auditioning products and learning about them and then buying them on sites like audiogon! For this reason I make sure to buy from both!
Isn't the fact that a dealer carries a specific product line a recommendation for that product? Hopefully, they have mixed and matched their electronic lines with their speaker products such that each complements the other. I don't think you should be surprised, nor suspicious.
The best experience I've had at a retailer was when the "consultant" refused to recommend or share his likes and dislikes. Sound is subjective and we all hear differently. What they like and listen to has no bearing on what you like or will listen to (of course, unless you want it to!).

BTW, that was Goodwins Hi-End in Massachusetts.
Quicke, then exactly what was the 'consultant' consulting?

I think I understand the point you are trying to relay.

But the sad part is that nobody is ever going to benefit from consultant's knowledge base and experience.

If the 'consultant' is not sharing his expertise, then he is not deserving of a commission.

Unless, of course, he get's you a nice cup of hot coffee and quickly swaps in and out the different products you are demo'ing.

Of course, the other side of this coin is that I'd rather have the consultant who is trying to earn a commission relay his 'expert' opinion such that it was more of a fragrance rather than an odor.

Imagine that our entire country took on the same philosophy as your 'consultant'. Regardless of subject matter.

First thing we'd have to do is disband the National Education Association and shut down the public school system.

Hey, wait a minute. I think your consultant may be on to something here.

Did you actually go into each store, or were you doing this by e.mail or phone? Your comment about just a "quick note back" from them leads me to suspect that you were doing this by e.mail. If that is how you approached your research, you're lucky they even replied to you.
If you live hundreds of miles away from any dealer, that's different. But if you're close enough to go a take a look & listen, you should be doing just that. A dealer will be more likely to spend some time with you if you're there, instead of an anonymous person on the phone or on e.mail.

Another thing to note on the objectivity of dealers when it comes to recommendations, of course he'll recommend his products. However don't forget that he has probably tried or heard MANY OTHER brands, has rejected them and does not carry them in his store. So, his experience may be much wider than you would think.