Are DACs superior to top-graded regular CD Players

I have no prior experience with DACs,but am considering purchasing one. Thus far, I have only listened to CD Players, not separate DACs. Do you recommend a good-to excellent DAC over a good-to excellent CD Player? Why or why not?

Showing 7 responses by melbguy1

As George commented on, I have eschewed a separate dac or transport/dac combo & own a Vitus SCD-025Mk2 which is a pretty awesome dac & does DSD. I still like to spin cd's, so it is great that the player also has a very good transport. 2nd hand cd players with good dacs and transports which come to mind are the Reimyo CDP-777 & Accuphase DP-75V. Even the very inexpensive JVC XL-Z1050 is a good integrated player with some minimal upgrades like caps, iso feet (eg: Stillpoints Ultra Mini's) & a Furutech IEC.
Doug, I live in Australia so I only know one or two high end AE's locally. I have spoken to and like and respect Dan Wright at Modwright, however I believe he only does set mods such as his famous Oppo & Sony mods, though you might want to check that out.

I used to own an XL-Z1050 & wouldn'd advocate doing too much to it. In stock form it is a very good sounding player. Any competent high end AE should be able to open up the player & suggest some good replacement caps & do the IEC mod for you as it's not rocket science.

I'd look close to home as its always better to deal with your AE face to face.
George, I disagree with your view that newer, much better caps such as
Jupiter, Deulund or Mundorf would not improve the sound. Besides that, the
original caps would be 25 years old now & would have degraded, so it is
sensible maintenance to carry out given the vintage of the player & its price
point. As for dismissing isolation feet. Stillpoints Ultra Mini's work very well
& atleast you can still keep them or easily sell them if the player was later

I would be happy to replace the caps & do the IEC mod on an XL-Z1050
because they're not mucking around with the original circuit design of the
player. I'm not saying the mods you suggested wouldn't improve the sound,
but the moment you start modifying the player's basic design, in a player
this old and cheap, it would be hard to sell. If you want a Lexus, just buy
George, good advice about the economics of doing the other mid at the same time as refreshing the caps. Though FYI, I have personally heard the profound difference different caps make in virtually identical platforms. For example, going from the Ayon CD-5 to the CD-5s I could easily hear the improved resolution and soundstage depth (known qualities of the better Mundorf Mcap Supreme silver/gold in oil caps used in the CD-5s).
The only voodoo bull**** in this thread is the bogus advice being given by a
a certain member who spends too much time reading 'Audio Engineering
for idiots' who espouses throwing money down the drain on a 25 year old
vintage player. Easy come, easy go as they say. Now I'll let you get back to
your little soap box...
George, I don't do favors for square-glassed Mr Magoo's with a superiority complex.