Are CD clubs a good deal?

I have never joined a CD/Record club. Anyone belong to one and is there a catch?

Showing 1 response by 4yanx

I was once a member of BMG, and there are some price benefits of "sticking with", as opposed to "hitting and running". Given the selection they offer in the initial "take 12 for 99 cents", or whatever the current deal, I can't imagine anyone finding that many recordings they liked to have done so more than a time or two. I had trouble finding 12 good ones the first time!

I have mostly older CD's that I bought from BMG, some sound alright, others lousy. But then, such is the case with all recordings. I have never done an A/B between a BMG and one bought "from the store" to see if there was much difference. Has anyone else?

One thing, though. If you do quit, they will hound ceaselessly for two years, or more, to rejoin.