Are Carver Preamps Any Good?

Just wondering?

There are so many versions of Carver preamps and preamp/tuners for sale. They always seem to sell. Are they really any good?...or are they just a popular product with so-so sound? Are they like a Rotel or NAD?

Seems like their products change hands regularly. So, what are there better products, if they have any?
I have a Carver c-6 pre-amp that will be going up for sale soon. I used it in my system for a good 15 years without complaint until recently upgrading to a much more expensive ARC tube pre-amp.

They are unique values these days with very good performance. A c-6 in good working order like mine should bring $150-200 or so.

Mine has a lot of features not commonly found much anymore today that allow them to perform well in most any system and is in fact quite transparent.

For example the tone controls are among the most flexible I have seen ever and the built in phono pre-amp accommodates both MC and MM cartridges AND has easily switchable phono input sensitivity and impedance buttons on the rear panel which helps deliver very good sound with most any cart out there.

It also accomodates two recorders and two external sound pre-processors, like an equalizer and dbx for example, concurrently. No other pre-amp I know of these days can do that.

Sonic holography is another feature that in fact works and some will love and some will hate.

Audio purists will object to all the control features. Those looking for flexibility and good sound for little cost these days will find a lot to like.
I think everyone is missing a REALLY important issue here. All gear of this generation is full of aging caps and resistors that need to be replaced. Even if the items still function none of them will sound as good as they did new. If you are looking to get into the analog revival be prepared to "refresh" any item you buy used that over 12-15 years old.

A Carver pre that has been "refreshed" with quality current technology capacitors and resistors will perform as good or better than any makes/models in the same price range with similar attention. A Carver C-1 done right will simply shock and amaze you with the black void it becomes in your audio chain. Many knowledgeable individuals have done these type of upgrades to vintage equipment with spectacular results. One unsung hero in this field has become somewhat of a legend in Carver circles. He was a modest genius who was known as BillD. He did many upgrade/updates on the Carver gear he loved and his treatment on the Carver C-1 preamp has transformed it into one of the best you can buy at any price. Generous to a fault, he practically gave away his service to help other Carver enthusiasts enjoy the C-1 upgrade on theirs. He also posted parts lists and instructions to do likewise. He also helped many DIY folks upgrade it themselves and get over any hurdles they came across in the process.

If you want a truly excellent preamp buy a C-1 or C-11 offered on an auction or listing. Then get online to do a download of the parts list and instructions for the BillD style of upgrade/update on it. Find a good soldering iron to DIY or get a skilled friend or local repair shop to do it for you. There are a handful of very knowledgeable guys out there who make a good part-time income doing these type of upgrades. They are easy to find in the forums.

This route may be a little more bother than plunking down a huge wad of dough for a new, overpriced preamp, but the results will be much better and you will find well worth your time & trouble.
My c-6 recently developed a distortion/breakup issue in one channel.

I'd like to have it totally refurbed. The time is right. CAn someone recommend a good place to do that?

I'd hate to lose the Carver permanently. It's a rare beast these days and I am comfortable using it in my second system regularly or as a spare when needed.
They have their place in the world - but not the audiophile world, IMO. Carver offers reliable, attractive components if you don’t ask them to be the star of the show. By that, I mean that you’re not expecting them to enthrall you with passionate listening sessions. If you just want something that’s a step or two above the ordinary, they might meet your needs.