Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?

I recently purchased a pair of speakers that I showed to a non-audiophile female friend of mine. She said they looked beautiful and asked how much they cost. When I told her, her jaw dropped. She then asked if I was using them to pick up hot chicks. Hmm...I told her the only people who get turned on by my audiophile speakers are balding middle-aged men. She had a laugh, but I wondered if anyone tried to impress a girl with his stereo system. High end is a male dominated hobby like sports cars. So have you found a woman who was turned on by your system. I have had no such look. I just get blank stares when I talk about my hobby to women.

Showing 2 responses by jax2

I've seen photographic evidence in some of the mainstream rags among their advertisers that certain specific brands seem to be like sirens for beautiful women. They also seem to enjoy revealing their physical assets while standing by the chick-magnet products. Vincent amps come to mind...some other speaker manufacturer, and even a wire vendor a while back. One could assemble a system from all these aphrodisiac components and, well, there'd probably be no more time for listening to music!