Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?

If not why are many hardly using the systems they assembled, why are so many upgrading fairly new gear that’s fully working? Seems to me many are designed to impress reviewers, show-goers, short-term listeners, and on the sales floor but once in a home system, in the long run, they fatigue users fail to engage and make you feel something is missing so back you go with piles of cash.


Showing 2 responses by kenjit

The industry knows that you cant sell the same speaker designs for decades which is why they invent new ones every couple of years. But we all know it is impossible for breakthroughs to happen that quickly. All speakers are made of wood, glue and paper pretty much. The rest is just marketing BS. And yes they can be tuned with excessive bass or highs in order to impress. 

All of the hifi industry i s based around the planned obsolescence model thesedays. Cd players used to be built to last a lifetime and the ones that were built in the 70's are still sought after for that reason. 


Now we have these horrific streaming devices which are based on EEPROM technology and the like. As we all know these can go bad in as little as 5 years. 

Keep your hifi equipment in the analogue domain if you want it to last a long time.