Are all dBs created equal?

I recently purchased new speakers and I have run into something interesting. With my old speakers I listened at 80 dB average and it was comfortable. At 80 dB average with the new speakers it seems much louder and I have to turn it down to 70-72 dB to get to my comfort zone. Why would 80 dBs sound so much louder with the new speakers? FYI, the new speakers are presenting more detail and refinement. The sound stage is better in every way. What gives?


Showing 2 responses by mceljo

@baclagg - I've not heard a Focal speaker that I didn't like, but the tweeters are a bit polarizing when it comes to personal preference.  What amplifier are you using?

80db will present very differently depending on the tone being played.  As an example a tuba at 80db will present very differently than a piccolo trumpet.

Ideally, @ghdprentice has it nailed because that would be a very positive result.

The other things that come to mind is that the speakers may present with more bass or you're finding the sound to be more harsh subconsciously and are reducing the volume to compensate.