Thanks for the reply.I have not had the chance to demo this player as where i live is pretty remote and we hardly have any hi-fi shops let alone any FMJ dealers!!Although i have not heard the CD33 i have thrown caution to the wind and traded my old Diva CD92 in for this new player,which will arrive here in 3-4 days.I like the Arcam way of doing things (i have the Diva A85 and P85 power amps) so i think i will really like the CD33.I know its a big leap up from the Diva 92 in pretty much every aspect (soundstage,detail etc).My system will be:
Arcam FMJ CD33
Arcam Diva A85 and P85
Spendor S8 Speakers
Chord Chorus interconnects
Chord Oddessey bi-wire
Arcam FMJ CD33
Arcam Diva A85 and P85
Spendor S8 Speakers
Chord Chorus interconnects
Chord Oddessey bi-wire