Arcam AVR 300 vs Rotel Seperates

I currently have an Arcam AVR 300 and was looking at the Rotel RMB 1075 and RSP 1068 processor. Can anyone comment if this would be a significan upgrade for the close to $800 cost? My spakers are Paradigm Studio 60's, CC 470 and ADV rears. I am also upgrading the CD player to a Rotel 1072 or 1055 (5 disk). That may be the upgrade I have been needing. Any comments welcome and appreciated

Showing 1 response by ajpoe

CD player analog out -> Arcam = CD Player DACs
CD player optical out -> Arcam = Arcam DACs

I think you'll get the sound you're looking for more with a DAC1 than upgrading the transport. ;-)