Arcam A32 vs. ML 383, Macintosh MA6900, YBA, other

I have very much put a freeze on my system for a little while but my next upgrade (humm) could be a new integrated, of course, if I can hear an appreciable improvement. Has anyone compared the A32 or maybe A85 to the Mark levinson 383 or Macintosh MA6900, YBA or other?

I am driving a pair of B&W N805s with it.

I am in México, so it is hard to get dealers to audition equipment but may get to listen to a ML 383 in the near future. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by aball

I auditioned the 383 side by side with the MA6900 and liked the McIntosh better. It just had more body and presence. They were playing B&W N802s with MIT oracle cables and Meridian CDP. They were both excellent but the Mc just made my feet tap and my face smile. Only heard the AR Complete and it was too lean as well - YBA perhaps better(?). Arthur
Hello again
I auditioned at length the YBA Integre DT yesterday on a pair of Triangle Celius speakers and Arcam CD. It was very nice. It was less dark than Mc. From what I remember, it is as smooth and has a neat feature of tube filtering for a slightly different sound. It was nice but a little bright for me (or for what I am used to).